
IT Security: discover Namirial solutions

Software development and digital security services: Certified E-mail (PEC), Digital Signature and Timestamp, Graphometric Signature and Electronic Invoicing

Namirial Video Identification

Fill the following fields and click on 'Send Data'. You will be connected to the first available operator. To successfully complete the video identification you must keep on hand your identity card and a white paper on which you will be asked to make a handwritten signature to be compared with the one on the identity card.

Choose Product

Smart Card



Remote Signature

Automatic Signature

Choose blind envelope

Blind digital envelope

Identification type

Italian Tax Code

Foreign Tax Code


Identity Document


Issued by

Release on (dd/mm/yyyy)

Document Number

Expiry date (dd/mm/yyyy)


Other Information


Retype E-mail


Country Code (Belgium 0032)


Retype Mobile

Terms of Service and Privacy

Terms of service: Mod.NAM_CA01.pdf

Data Protection Disclaimer (Privacy): Mod.NAM_GDPR03.pdf

The Holder agrees to have fully read and understood the meaning of and expressly accept provisions contained in the following articles of the General Terms and Conditions (Mod.NAM CA01_ENG): Art. 2 (Structure of the Contract); Art. 3 (Subject); Art. 4 (Formation of the Contract); Art. 5 (Hardware e software required); Art. 6 (Validity and renewal of Certificates); Art.7 (Revocation and Suspension of Certificates); Art. 8 (Duration of the Contract); Art. 9 (Fee and invoicing); Art. 10 (Obligations and liability of the Holder); Art. 11 (Warranties); Art. 12 (Obligations and liability of the Certification Service Provider); Art. 13 (Express Termination Clause); Art. 14 (Termination by Holder and information in accordance with Directive 2011/83/EU ); Art.15 (Miscellaneous); Art. 16 (Governing law); Art. 17 (Jurisdiction); Art. 18 (Amendments to the Contract); Art. 19 (Termination of the activity of the Certification Service Provider) and Art. 21 (Survival after termination).

The undersigned, having received from NAMIRIAL S.p.A. adequate information note pursuant to art.13 of the Reg. EU 2016/679 (Mod.NAM GDPR03), showed also on, in the role of data subject in the processing of personal data, gives the consent to the processing of personal data:

for the purposes of point B) of the data protection notice: provide consent to the correct provision of the Certificates without the necessary personal presence, through an electronic identification system by means of audio-video recording or by authentication with a qualified electronic signature. (mandatory for the conclusion of the contract or for the provision of the requested services only when electronic identification system is selected and used by data subject)
for the purposes of point C) of the data protection notice: provide the consent to the marketing activities carried out by Namirial through sending newsletter or communication by e mail or sms, only with data subject specific consent.